I can
feel my hair going grey with the quest to express the height and the depth and the breadth and the immensity of the truth we have access to when in all trust and audacity we open ourselves to how God is in our world and in our lives.
Why are we scared? How beautiful is a world-view that can sing about God present in all and through all!
Hello, Maeve!
We are a christian youth group from Oporto (Portugal), linked to Verbum Dei.
We met you in Koln 2005, at World Youth Day, and we loved your music.
This year we celebrate our 11th birthday and we want to play some songs that made part of our history.
We want to play your song "Worship" from European Encounter Verbum Dei 2005, but we don't have the musical acords. Can you send it please to heliocrestuma@hotmail.com?
Nobody found these musical acords for guitar... It's difficult!
Thank you very much!
The group "God Symbols"
Oporto - Portugal
¿¿Qué nos da miedo?? Gran pregunta. Yo llevo siglos haciéndomela, así que si encuentras alguna respuesta para añadir,...
Hace poco una buena amiga me dijo que lo que más miedo me daba era la grandeza de Dios en mi vida y la potencialidad de ésta en sus manos. Lo que nos asusta no es tanto nuestra pequeñez y limitación como nuestra grandeza.
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